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Change Log

June 18, 2024

Australian server update

June 6, 2024


  • duplicate values not allowed for select list field type which contains groups (Forms Manager). Behaviour now consistent with Mobile Data Collection Portal

June 3, 2024


  • Fixed issue with User Form not loading correctly in the Manager app when choosing to edit user data
  • Fixed issue that caused the layer list to disappear after attempting to classify a layer with no data

May 3, 2024


  • Fixed issue which prevented users from setting a file from their storage as the logo for login pages on custom apps

April 22, 2024


  • Fixed issue with “Value not in form definition” warning message appearing for select lists that have item groups

April 9, 2024


  • Saving date data is now consistent across all GIS Cloud apps, date data is now saved in ISO 8601 standard

April 8, 2024

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android and iOS (9.5.5)

  • Fixed issue where certain media files couldn’t display in MDC due to a difference in how the data is recorded through web apps
  • Fixed issue with certain file types not opening on iOS
  • Photo quality setting doesn’t reset after logging out or force closing the app
  • Removed the option to log in using a Facebook account


  • Fixed issue with geotagged image features not appearing on correct coordinates

March 27, 2024

GIS Cloud Track Update – Android and iOS (2.3.0)

  • Updated app
  • Fixed an issue where the app didn’t work on certain devices with OneUI 6.1

March 25, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where the hotspot analysis was slow or didn’t execute properly

March 7, 2024


  • Updated production on Australian servers

March 4, 2024


  • Fixed issue with layer list disappearing from the map when using buffer layers on the map

February 27, 2024

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android and iOS (9.5.4)

  • Fixed device tracking issue
  • Fixed issue with incorrect location being shown after using the pinpoint option to collect data
  • Fixed issue with group descriptions not being translated
  • Fixed issue with search not working when using offline maps

February 19, 2024


  • implemented Auth fix for sharing private maps as WMS

February 13, 2024


  • Fixed various issues in Form Designer

February 8, 2024


  • Fixed issue with homepage display for custom Portal apps


  • Updated production on Australian servers

February 2, 2024

New Feature

  • implemented a new and improved password reset system

January 23, 2024

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android and iOS (9.5.3.)

  • Fixed issue with empty items in groups
  • Fixed issue with dependencies not working for items in groups

January 17, 2024


  • Fixed edge case in the Map Engine when initializing a specific layer

January 15, 2024


  • Fixed issue with adding logos to custom apps via App Bulder. Users can now add logos to their custom apps from the App Builder.

January 11, 2024


  • Fixed order of displaying components on screen (Panel > Feature Info > Datagrid > Layer List)

January 9, 2024


  • Fixed spatial selection tool not working for layers stored in external PostGIS databases. Fixed intersect tool.

December 28, 2023

New Feature

  • Added grouping form items to Mobile Data Collection Portal and Map Editor

December 18, 2023

New Feature

  • Added video form item to Mobile Data Collection app, Mobile Data Collection Portal and Map Editor

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android and iOS (9.5.2.)

November 27, 2023

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android and iOS (9.5.1.)

November 23, 2023


  • Fixed multiple edge case issues with files and directories

November 20, 2023


  • Fixed missing export and edit permissions for layers stored in external PostGIS databases.

November 15, 2023


  • fixed issue with displaying multipoint layers. Multipoint layers will now display correctly on the map after zooming in.

November 14, 2023


  • Fixed issues which prevented users from changing and saving their information if their username was longer than 20 characters, usernames can have up to 80 characters, enabled the use of the “+” character in the username

Australian Server Update

November 8, 2023


  • Fixed issue with fetching tables from external databases if they had a custom search path

November 2, 2023


  • Fixed issue with Home tab not working on custom apps which are using the old header

October 31, 2023


  • Fixed issue with the Duplicate Table tool if a table had uppercase letters in its name
  • Increased security for the Spatial Selection tool

October 30, 2023


  • Fixed issues with uploading larger files via API

October 25, 2023


  • Fixed issue with Merge Wizard not working

October 24, 2023

Australian Server Update

October 23, 2023


  • Fixed issue with error messages appearing when giving map permissions to other users

October 18, 2023


  • Fixed issue with table name validation when using the Merge Wizard

October 17, 2023


  • consolidated table naming rules when importing and creating layers. Table names can now start with a number, maximum length of table names increased to 63 characters (previously was 30)

October 16, 2023

New Feature

  • Added translation to Bulgarian for web applications

October 12, 2023


  • enabled approve checkbox in the new datagrid for Crowdsourcing apps

October 11, 2023


  • Fixed various edge cases

October 10, 2023

New Feature

  • Added Arabic translation

October 9, 2023


  • Fixed issue with features not being counted correctly in the user’s storage

October 6, 2023

Map Viewer App Update – Android (30.002) and iOS (30.002)

  • Added option to delete account
  • App translations for Croatian, French, Japanese and Bulgarian

October 5, 2023

  • Fixed issue where the MDC form would disconnect from the MDC project in some cases

Mobile Data Collection App Update – Android (9.5.001) and iOS (9.5.0)

  • Improved QR/Barcode scanning
  • Updated translations, added support for Bulgarian
  • Fixed issue where the photo quality would reset after closing the app
  • Fixed issue for number fields with decimals
  • Fixed issue with editing data from the Queue

October 4, 2023


  • Fixed offline map download for mobile apps for some edge cases

October 3, 2023


  • Fixed an issue with the truncate table option in the Database manager when multiple tables were selected
  • Internal error fixes

October 2, 2023


  • Fixed export through REST

September 25, 2023


  • Fixes for Apple SSO login option
  • Fixed an issue with storage limits not applying properly after assigning a licence
  • Fixed an issue where the layer list would not load properly if it included a layer from an external database that is no longer connected

September 22, 2023


  • Fixed a bug in Search when using characters such as č,ć,đ,…
  • Improved map ID validation for GIS Cloud WFS
  • Fixes for the WFS server
  • Fixed XML reposnse for feature API
  • Fixed issue where user options kept being added instead of updated, which impacted saving of MDC project changes
  • FIxed an issue with assigning users licences

September 20, 2023


  • Speed improvements for app loading through CDN
  • Increased security for database connections
  • Speed improvements for creating and updating layers, map duplication, and database table structure editing
  • Better handling of layers with invalid data (they no longer “break” the map)
  • Optimisations for opening the map in Map Editor through a direct link
  • Automatic zoom to layer bounds when using drag&drop to add layers to the map
  • Smaller UI changes in Map Editor (clear cache buttons, fonts, sharper thumbnails, …)
  • UI/UX improvements in Mobile Data Collection Portal (fonts, loader, buttons, thumbnails, …)
  • Added EPSG information to ‘More info’ field in Layer properties


  • Range of internal fixes that make the code more stable
  • Improved error message when hitting the character limit for naming MDC projects (52 characters)
  • Fixed an issue with naming groups in Manager, where after renaming a group, the old name would no longer be available for new groups
  • UI fixes for some modals
  • Fixed custom polygon selection in Spatial Filter
  • Fixed some edge case issues and UI errors

September 18, 2023


  • Fixed a bug where the visibility checkmark on automatic fields (created, modified and owner) turned off after changing the table structure

September 4, 2023


  • Fixed the Delete button in the Saved views section of the Datagrid
  • Fixed measuring tool used when adding features

September 1, 2023


  • Fixed map rendering on Track web when working with POIs

August 23, 2023


  • Track web – fixed editing of alerts based on POI

August 14, 2023


  • Map engine fix for labels on linestring layers

August 10, 2023


  • Hid the Save button for datagrid views for users that are not the layer owner

August 4, 2023

Mobile Data Collection App Update (Android/iOS)

  • Fixed issue with the audio recording field (crashing the app on certain devices, not registering device permissions on certain devices, Done button not showing up on iOS devices)
  • Fixed issue with the ‘Track my location’ option disappearing from the Settings page (on accounts where Track is enabled)
  • Fixed issue with editing the audio recording field (stop button was not working properly)
  • Fixed issue with the signup where the Done button appears before the action is complete. Clicking on it used to trigger an error message that the user already exists.
  • Fixed issue where the class icons on raster layers did not appear in the layer list properly.
  • Updated the message a user receives if logged out to provide more information
  • NEW: only editable layers are listed in the dropdown list when selecting the layer for editing (learn more here)

July 31, 2023


  • Fixed issue with displaying features on the map when filtering Integer fields in the datagrid

July 20, 2023


  • Fixed issue with data not showing in the datagrid if a GIS Cloud Map was added to the map as a layer
  • Fixed issue with GIS Cloud dropdown filter not working with null values

July 13, 2023


  • Implemented security into the map engine

July 10, 2023


  • Fixed data display issue in the info panel when opened from the datagrid
  • Fixed issue with creating new users, users were created despite an error message

July 5, 2023


  • Changed text for drawing rectangles from CTRL key to Shift key

June 29, 2023


  • Fixed blue-screen error when loading Track Web

June 27, 2023


  • Fixed loading the Manager app when users did not accept the consents

June 12, 2023


  • Fixed issue with image thumbnails clipping into other fields in the datagrid

June 7, 2023


  • Fixed issue with loading the datagrid in MDCP when there is no active project
  • Fixed issue with datagrid filters where it wasn’t possible to filter more than 5000 unique values

June 6, 2023


  • Fixed issue with MDC project options increasing in size so that the projects could not be opened

May 31, 2023


  • enabled layer visibility at different zoom levels for raster layers
  • Fixed issue with importing CSV files with WKT geometry (line layers)
  • Enabled adding multiple layers to the map simultaneously from an external database

May 25, 2023


  • Increased minimum number of password characters to 10

May 23, 2023


  • Fixed issues with date/time filters and opening external images in the datagrid

May 22, 2023


  • Fixed search marker pop-ups after switching between maps

May 19, 2023


  • Fixed issue with opening media files from the Feature Info panel

May 18, 2023

New Feature

  • New and improved Datagrid

May 16, 2023


  • Fixed issue with Unique Value checkbox in the Form Designer

April 24, 2023


  • Fixed issue with wrong labels being displayed on lines when using multiple labels

March 22, 2023


  • optimised geoprocessing

March 20, 2023


  • Fixed issue with sample forms duplicating
  • Removed old sample forms

March 14, 2023


  • Changes to Mobile Data Collection licences – licences are now assigned directly to field collectors
  • Increased speed of opening apps in browser

February 14, 2023


  • Fixed Manager UI for Private Cloud

February 7, 2023


  • Enabled feature selection when the features match more than one condition in expressions

February 6, 2023


  • Fixed issue with setting map extent when resetting filters in Map Portal applications
  • Optimised caching map tiles locally in browser, maps with minimal or no changes will now load faster

February 3, 2023


  • increased loading speed for the Manager app

February 2, 2023


  • increased loading speed for Mobile Data Collection Portal

New Feature

  • New Manager Dashboard and navigation between GIS Cloud apps

January 31, 2023


  • Fixed issue with fog obscuring features and view when using 3D View, fog now renders further away

January 26, 2023


  • Fixed initial projection in the Measure Tool for point and area measures

January 25, 2023


  • Fixed issue with using pinch to zoom in Firefox

January 23, 2023

New Feature

  • New Mobile Data Collection Portal homepage

January 16, 2023

New Feature

  • enabled changing expressions in iframe in 3D View

January 10, 2023


  • Made visual changes to the modal window for Heatmap analysis

January 9, 2023


  • Fixed issue with error messages not displaying in case saving a file was not successful.

December 19, 2022


  • Fixed issue with forms created in Forms Manager in Map Editor, forms now display correct geometry in the MDC app.

December 15, 2022

New Feature

  • Export filtered features as KML


  • Fixed measure tool when using JS API

December 13, 2022


  • Layer distinct endpoint moved to new REST API. Fixed issue with filtering in the datagrid, some values did not appear.

December 7, 2022

New Feature

  • New header for GIS Cloud apps (Map Editor, Map Viewer, Mobile Data Collection Portal, Map Contributor)

December 1, 2022


  • Fixed issue with single-band rasters not being displayed when map is shared as WMS

November 30, 2022


  • Fixed issue with displaying WMTS and basemap simultaneously when the WMTS doesn’t display at zoom level 0

November 29, 2022


  • Fixed issue with WMS providers blocking requests if a user agent isn’t sent
  • Fixed issue with reprojecting .jp2 files

November 28, 2022


  • Fixed connection between layer and datasource when changing the layer source

November 24, 2022


  • Fixed error when users create a bookmark without having “edit” or “owner” permissions

November 22, 2022


  • Fixed issue with not being able to create a table which would have the same name as a previously renamed table

November 21, 2022


  • Increased import speed for large CSV files

November 3, 2022


  • Fixed issue with hiding geometry in the Layer Properties window
  • Fixed issue with layer list size when opening/closing the expression

November 2, 2022

New feature

  • Added custom Digital Elevation Models (DEM)


  • Fixed issue with sorting in the datagrid where a column name would be an SQL reserved keyword

October 11, 2022

  • Fixed issue with empty tiles on crowdsourcing portals

October 3, 2022


  • Fixed issue with defining the default projection for TMS as a datasource

September 29, 2022


  • Added new layer option: SUPPORT_INCOMPLETE_TILE_COVERAGE

September 27, 2022


  • Fixed issue with displaying rasters in Layer List

September 21, 2022


  • Released QGIS Publisher 1.0.9.
  • Added EPSG:9141 projection to our list of projections


  • Fixed issue with pixels of line and polygon layers being visible after turning the layer off

September 12, 2022

New feature

  • Currently selected projection now displays in Measure tool

September 8, 2022

New feature

  • Added 3D view

September 5, 2022


  • Fixed issue with displaying links in feature attributes

August 22, 2022

New feature

  • Added support for additional interpolation methods (bilinear, cubic, etc.)

August 9, 2022


  • Improved UX when drag&dropping layers in layer list

August 1, 2022

New feature

  • Map Viewer v 28.002

July 25, 2022

New feature

  • Added the ability to choose the band when working with singleband rasters – stretch method

July 26, 2022

New feature

  • Added support for data collection Forms translations

July 21, 2022


  • Fixed datagrid filters when handling empty strings or null values

July 20, 2022

New feature

  • Added button to delete account in Mobile Data Collection app

June 21, 2022


  • Fixed issue with Mapbox basemaps projections
  • Fixed issue with using the Measure tool when using Mapbox basemaps

June 9, 2022

New feature

  • Added support for rendering single-band rasters
  • Added support for rasters in external databases

June 2, 2022

New feature

  • Redesign of Forms manager in Map Editor and Mobile Data Collection Portal

May 18, 2022

New feature

  • Added support for H3 geometry and importing CSVs with WKT

May 12, 2022

New feature

  • Layer properties modal redesign


  • Added certain translations to Track web


  • Fixed issue with the Source Browser modal in Track web
  • Fixed issue with adding and editing of maintenance and odometer readings in Track web

May 10, 2022


  • Fixed handling of maps and layers with Cyrillic script (fixed map export and importing layers from folders with Cyrilic script)

May 9, 2022


  • Improved UI for deleting external database connections

May 3, 2022


  • Increased spatial filter limit to 20,000
  • Additional translations for Track web

April 11, 2022


  • Improved handling of large maps with a lot of tiles (faster export, better rendering)

March 31, 2022

New feature

  • Added Search to embedded maps

March 29, 2022


  • Fixed issue with option dependencies on certain form fields

March 23, 2022

New feature

  • Support for WMS 1.3.0

March 21, 2022


  • Better handling of form translations through JSON

March 15, 2022

New feature

  • Support for multi-labels added

March 10, 2022


  • Enabled feature editing when data collection form is in non-Latin script

March 1, 2022


  • Fixed rendering of maps that have another GIS Cloud map as a layer, and improved map-as-layer behaviour

February 28, 2022

New feature

  • Disabled feature actions on layers from File System

February 21, 2022

New feature

  • MDC 9.3.0.
    • collector tracking option

January 24, 2022


  • Fixed issue with duplicating MDC photos

January 17, 2022

New feature

  • Copy layer style – read more about it HERE


  • fixed Map Export for shared maps

December 27, 2021


  • Feature limit in layer reports is upgraded to 10 000 instead of 2 000

December 13, 2021


  • fixed icon display in embedded layer list

December 6, 2021


  • fixed editing snapping tool

November 29, 2021


  • fixed duplicating datasources

November 22, 2021


  • fixed issues for Form Items validation

November 15, 2021


  • fixed issues for Form Items validation

October 18, 2021


  • Shorter links for Share & Embed option

October 11, 2021


  • fixed isuses for Expression Wizard

October 4, 2021


  • fixed slow Merge process

September 27, 2021

New feature

  • High definition maps feature released
    • maps are shown in max resolution the device can display
    • faster map rendering for maps with many layers

September 20, 2021


  • fixed photo preview in Layer Report

September 6, 2021


  • fixed Share and Publish window glitching when adding or removing share permissions

August 30, 2021


  • faster and optimized feature info tool with certain map options

August 23, 2021


  • fixed map rendering when maps have many tooltips

August 2, 2021


  • fixed form resetting for Crowd projects

July 26, 2021


  • fixed column width in File Manager for Google Chrome

July 19, 2021


  • fixed sign in button
  • speed up for User list in Manager

July 12, 2021


  • map engine upgrade – map configuration optimizations

June 28, 2021


  • fixed icon display in Layer list, now every icon fits to 16×16 ox

June 14, 2021

New feature

  • added User menu to Manager and MDC Portal apps
  • redesigned Edit feature form

May 31, 2021


  • fix for map extent when exporting maps

May 17, 2021


  • fixed icons in Layer list
  • fixed features-at-point file layers that don’t have expressions
  • fixed Buffer analysis for user groups
  • fixed Facebook login for older Internet Explorer versions

May 10, 2021


  • fixed Layer properties icon for Mozilla (three dots where showing information for wrong layer)
  • fixed feature selection which had to be hidden because of set expressions.

Apr 19, 2021


  • fixed support for WMS with custom projection

New feature

  • Apple sign in

Apr 12, 2021


  • fixed Area analysis on shared map

Apr 5, 2021

New feature

  • enabled choosing more than one GIS solution in Sign Up process

Mar 29, 2021


  • fixed updating of ‘accessed’ and ‘visited’ attributes after Map Export

Mar 22, 2021


  • fixed display and edit of shared datasource
  • fixed feature clustering in Map Portal

Mar 15, 2021

New feature

  • support for displaying local WMTSs and geometry layers

Mar 8, 2021


  • fixed Sognature display in Layer Report

Mar 1, 2021


  • fixed Export map with multiple expressions

New feature

  • Share & Embed action in Map Portal

Feb 22, 2021


  • fixed feature display in WMS layers with data classified through Wizzard
  • fixed Search when table has ‘data’ column

Feb 15, 2021


  • fixed image saving from reports

Feb 8, 2021

  • fixed upload of Geotagged photos

New feature

  • released support for Electronic signature

Jan 25, 2021


  • fixed Feature Info for .gpx file format
  • fixed Heatmap – when using larger distances, heatmap edge was cut

Jan 11, 2021


  • fixed Create layer from selection when the datasource is from external database

Dec 14, 2020


  • fixed download of audio files with special characters in file name
  • fixed updating layers with same datasource
  • fixed import to geocoder

Dec 7, 2020

New feature

  • new sign up process


  • fixed issue with exact search

Nov 16, 2020


  • fixed issue with sending photos in Crowdsourcing app

Nov 2, 2020

New Feature

  • Password recovery link was added to Manager and Mobile Data Collection Portal.

Oct 19, 2020


  • fixed bug for Custom Search

Oct 12, 2020

  • fixed hover and selection on overlapping polygons

Oct 5, 2020


  • significant speed improvements
    • import to DataBase Manager
    • Import CSV/XLS
    • Creating New Layer from the selection

Sep 28, 2020


  • fixed Data Grid bug

Sep 14, 2020


  • fixed bug for sharing with groups

Aug 31, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed WMTS display for certain services
  • fixed bug which caused the breaking of Layer Properties form

Aug 17, 2020


Mobile Data Collection App

  • fixed search by FID

Aug 3, 2020


Map Editor

  • Fixed visibility icons for folder and layers in Layer List

July 27, 2020

New Feature


  • GIS Cloud WFS

Map Editor

  • FID column added to the exported files



  • Security fix

July 20, 2020

New Feature

Map Editor

  • select multiple features in Data Grid
  • Export layer with FID column

July 13, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed sharing of maps and layers – maps and layers can now be shared to multiple groups instead of just one
  • fixed feature display when there is ‘isnull’ or ‘!isnull’ appearance expression

New Feature

Map Editor

  • missing projections were added

July 6, 2020

New Feature

Map Viewer

  • enabled hiding of Data Grid in Custom Map Viewer

Map Editor

  • Map WMS with authentication


Map Editor

  • .jpeg files are now diplayed when you select Image file filter in File Manager

June 29, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed search by FID

June 15, 2020

New Feature

Map Editor

  • Connect ORACLE external database. Read more about it here.


Map Editor

  • fixed table renameing in Database Manager

June 8, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed search attributes with aliases



  • when changing the password of the logged-in user in the ‘Log in information’ tab, now you have to enter current password before changing it to the new one.

May 25, 2020

New feature

Map Editor

  • Archive Map feature. Read more about it here.

May 18, 2020


Map Editor

  • Added EPSG6347 projection to our list of projections

May 11, 2020


Map Editor

  • Enabled adding more media files to features that have MDC media file attached through Map Editor

April 27, 2020



  • Assigning GIS Cloud licenses is now much faster

April 20, 2020


Map Editor

  • Fixed Clone tool


Map Editor

  • some missing countries were added to country dropdown in Sign Up form

April 13, 2020


Map Editor

  • Location time is written in human-readable format when exporting as CSV from Data Grid
  • Fixed ‘close’ button in info pop-up on mobile devices, click on the ‘close’ button was selecting the next feature instead of closing the info pop-up

March 30, 2020


Map Editor

  • margin option in line layers fixed
  • fixed disappearing of aliases after form editing

March 23, 2020


Map Editor

  • optimized search for places, minor UI changes

March 16, 2020


Map Editor

  • sharing permissions dropdown remains open after assigning permissions
  • optimized search for places, minor UI changes

March 9, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed layer reordering in the Layer list

March 2, 2020


Mobile Data Collection Portal

  • adding columns to the data source when a new form item is added


  • Subscriptions tab in Manager remains active after assigning a license

February 17, 2020



  • fixed UI when creating new users

February 10, 2020



  • fixed XML API export

Map Editor

  • fixed export map with https WMS

January 27, 2020


Map Editor

  • fixed layer expressions visibility that caused an error in MDC Info window

January 20, 2020

MDC 3.0.0

New features and improvements:

  • search through features in external databases
  • navigate to features on layers which are not WGS84
  • fresh social login interface
  • a more consistent behavior with feature info and layer expression visibility

October 28, 2019


Map Editor

  • Small translation fix in Croatian

October 7, 2019

New feature


  • New tab ‘User options’ was added under the User & Groups section. At the moment, the user can decide whether he’d like to have a change timezone option when collecting data in Mobile Data Collection app.

September 30, 2019

MDC 2.9.0

  • displaying custom point symbols on the map and
  • feature info not working in certain conditions.

September 23, 2019


  • Fixed issue which caused that new layer can’t be added to the map
  • Fixed ‘Search’ in the web applications
  • Fixed issue when using Merge Wizard, user would receive ‘You don’t have enough privileges for this map.’

September 16, 2019


Map Portal

  • Improved check when adding a link in App Builder
  • Fixed removing black edges from raster files


  • Allowed ‘-‘  in username when creating a new user

September 9,2019


Map Editor

  • Appearance Wizard – Back button leads to File Manager now

August 19, 2019


Map Editor

  • removed ‘am/pm’ from Date and time fields when there is a 24-hour clock
  • Time zone added to Date and time fields

August 5, 2019


Map Editor

  • Notification added – the user has to be logged in to use ‘Bookmarks’ button

July 29, 2019


Map Editor

  • an issue with append option when importing CSV or XLS file.

July 8, 2019


Map Editor

  • Map or Layer had to be refreshed in order to see the changes after editing the attribute list. Now, the data grid auto-refreshes when changes in Layer Properties are made.

June 24, 2019


Map Editor

  • an issue with ‘overwrite’ and ‘append’ option when importing CSV or XLS file


  • the user now has to confirm he wants to delete the form in Forms Manager

June 10, 2019


Map Editor

  • bad layer data was crashing layer list

May 27, 2019


Map Editor

  • Panoramic 360 photos can now be viewed in 360 mode.

May 20, 2019


Map Editor

  • unusual coordinates caused freezing of the browser

May 13, 2019

MDC 2.6.200

  • Language switching! The whole interface has been translated and currently supports English, Japanese and Croatian
  • Local Date and Time collection: the Date&Time form fields now send data as local collectors’ time instead of UTC.

April 22, 2019


Map Editor

  • When changing the language of the application, now we’re using endonyms.

April 15, 2019


Map Editor

  • Issue with attachment preview
  • Issue with Invert selection option

April 8, 2019


Mobile Map Viewer v21

  • Navigate to Feature is now enabled


Map Editor

  • issue with date displaying in Datagrid

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