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How to get started with app customisations

In addition to offering access to out-of-the-box web apps, GIS Cloud enables you to create fully branded custom web apps. You can fully white-label your custom Map Viewer, Map Editor or Map Portal apps.

To create a custom app, access the GIS Cloud Manager app, then scroll down to the Custom Apps section. From there, you can create a new custom app instance.

There are there ways you can edit your custom app:

These options offer somewhat different customisation possibilities, and we recommend starting out with the first two (App options and App builder) – they’ll allow you to change the app logo, theme color, logo links, top menu and toolbar elements, set up filters, panels, etc. If you’re looking for more advanced customisations, custom tools, or a fully customisable interface, you can achieve that by editing the app.json file.

If you want to change your app domain from the default, e.g. from to some other domain, feel free to contact us at

Note that you can have multiple custom Map Viewer or custom Map Editor applications. For Map Portal, you’ll need to have a separate licence for each instance. If you have any questions or would like some assistance with finding the right setup or choosing the correct app, please feel free to reach out to us at

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