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How to set up switching filters when switching maps?

GIS Cloud filters are used to filter data in a map and attribute table based on feature attributes. It is possible to set filters for maps within the same custom app so that when you switch a map, you switch filters as well.

To set this up you will need to create separate filters for each map in your custom app in the App Builder. Follow these steps to enable switching filters when switching maps:

  1. Open the map for which you want to set up your filters
  2. Set up the filters for the layers on that map. Click here for more information on setting up filters in custom apps.
  3. Click ‘Forward configuration to App Builder’
  4. Save your changes, and allow the page to refresh
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for all other maps in your custom app (those where you want to include filters)

An example of the final result is available in the GIF below.

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