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Editing attribute data in external apps with WFS

You can use GIS Cloud WFS in QGIS to make changes to your data, be it editing attribute data or adding new features to the map.

It is possible to use a GIS Cloud map shared as a WFS in QGIS to edit attributes and use the field calculator to calculate more complex attribute data. Since the map and layer are shared as a WFS, any changes made in QGIS will be visible in GIS Cloud instantly.

Prepare your map and layers for WFS sharing

The first step is to share your map as a WFS, but note that several rules need to be followed when sharing maps as a WFS:

  • WFS works only with layers added from the GIS Cloud database, so make sure to import layers to the database first and then use the WFS link. Layers not in the database will not be visible on the link.
  • Blank spaces in layer names are not allowed. For example, if a layer is called “Tree inventory 2023”, you should rename it to “Tree_inventory_2023” (without the quotation marks).
  • Layer names must only start with letters or underscores “_”. The layer name cannot start with a number.
  • Layer names can only contain letters, numbers, and some special characters (periods “.”, underscores “_”, hyphens “-“)
  • Field names in the table/layer cannot start with numbers

Keep in mind that there are slight differences in sharing public and private maps. You can read more about preparing your map, WFS sharing and troubleshooting here.

Note: to add new fields to a table, the layer must be imported into the database.

Share your map

Follow the steps below to share your map as a WFS. Authentication with your GIS Cloud credentials is necessary to make edits to GIS Cloud maps shared as WFS.

  • Open the map in Map Editor and click on Share and Publish
    • If another user will be making edits, share the map with them and give “Can Edit” permission
  • Navigate to the WFS tab
  • Copy the WFS URL.

Add your GIS Cloud WFS to QGIS

In QGIS, add the GIS Cloud WFS to the map as you would usually with any other WFS. Make sure to authenticate using your GIS Cloud username and password, as otherwise, you will not be able to edit the WFS data.

Edit your WFS data

Now that the GIS Cloud map is shared and added as a WFS layer, you are all set up to start editing attributes. In case you would like to add a new field to your layer, you will need to create the field in GIS Cloud, after that, you can edit it in QGIS. Keep in mind that the data type you set for the field must correspond to the data type you will be entering in QGIS. Learn more about creating new fields.

When editing your data you can also use the Field Calculator to calculate more complex attributes. Click here to read more about using the Field Calculator in QGIS. Keep in mind that creating a new field in GIS Cloud is necessary before using the Field Calculator, as the calculated attributes will be stored in that field.

For you to use the field calculator on your GIS Cloud data, you will have to create new fields in your layer in GIS Cloud. This is where the newly calculated attributes will be stored.

Changes to existing attributes and newly calculated values will be visible on the map in GIS Cloud after you’ve saved your changes in QGIS.

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