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Supported customization options

In this guide, you will learn how to customize your app’s appearance and functionalities using our custom options. There are three types of options you can build into your GIS Cloud apps:

Table of Contents


App options are used to personalize your custom apps. To add custom app options, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to GIS Cloud Manager.
  2. Scroll down to the Custom apps section.
  3. Hover over the app you want to customize and click Edit.
  4. Open the Advanced tab.
  5. Choose the option from the table below and write the option name, value and click Add.
  6. Save changes.

Take a look at one of the custom app options in action here, or try one of the options below!

Option nameValueDescription
DEFAULT_MAP_IDNumber – <map id>Setting the default map to load at the beginning 

Hex color codeCSS color definition for the main app theme, e.g. for dark red >>  #8b0000
Note: We don’t recommend white (the top ribbon buttons won’t be visible)
THEME_HOVER_COLORHex color codeOnly Map Portal: Hover color of buttons in the top ribbon 
LOGIN_PAGE_ONLY0 or 1Show only login page if the user is not logged in
LOGIN_PAGE_LOGO_URLString – URL, or path to the file in File ManagerURL to a custom logo on the login page, or path to the file in your account, eg. /logos/main-logo.jpg
LOGIN_PAGE_LOGO_LINKString – URLSetting a custom logo link (on the login page) e.g.
LOGO_LINKString – URLSetting a custom logo link (inside the app) e.g.
LOGIN_PAGE_HIDE_APP_TITLE0 or 1Hide the title of the map on the login page (under the app logo)
MODULE_LOGIN_BOX0 or 1Only Map Portal: Set the Log in box visible; when logged in allows access to My Account window. By default, the value is 1
MODULE_SSO0 or 1Enable or disable social SSO (Single sign-on) on the login box like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
DISABLE_MY_ACCOUNT0 or 1Remove the “My Account” link from the user menu. Used when you want to prevent your users from changing user credentials.
BLOG_HIDE0 or 1Hide blog&video sections on the homepage
HOMEPAGE_MAPSall,my,shared,public,archivedDefines which maps (tabs) are visible on the Homepage
HOMEPAGE_MAPS_ACTIVEall|my|shared|public|archivedDefault active maps tab (choose only one)
TOOLBAR_ELEMENTSString – e.g. search,togglemenu,layerlist,
Choose which Toolbar buttons you want to see in the app. Separate them with a comma “,”
MODULE_DATAGRID0 or 1 (default)Show Datagrid
MODULE_SEARCH0 or 1 (default)Show Search in the Toolbar
MODULE_GISCLOUD_SEARCHgiscloud,googleDisplay GIS Cloud search, Google maps search or both
LAYER_LIST_EXPAND_ALL0 (default) or 1Expand all folders in the layer list by default
LAYER_LIST_OPEN0 (default) or 1Show layer list by default
LAYER_LIST_WIDTHNumber (pixels)Sets layer list width, default = 300
LAYER_MODULE_BUTTONS_HIDE0 or 1Hide toolbar buttons in the layer list
FORCE_INFO_WINDOW0 (default) or 1Force to always use info window popup
SHOW_MAPS_FROM_OTHER_APPS0 or 1Add maps to a custom app instance
RESOURCE_LINKING0 or 1Link file to a feature
EXPORT_MAP_SCALEx1, x2, x3, 1000, 5000, 10000, …Predefined map scale on the map export
OPEN_LINKS_IN_NEW_WINDOW0 or 1Force to open all the attachments in the new window/tab.
DATAGRID_FILTER_BY_EXPRESSIONS0 or 1Show in the Datagrid panel only values that match layer expressions (if defined).
DATAGRID_20 or 1BETA: Add the new datagrid to a custom app. Learn more about the new datagrid in the release notes (HERE) and guide (HERE).


To install custom map options follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to Map Editor.
  2. Open the map you want to customize.
  3. Open Map Properties.
  4. Open the Map Options tab.
  5. Choose the option from the table below, write the option name, value and click Add.
  6. Save changes.
Option name Value Description
DEFAULT_SELECTED_LAYER_IDNumber – <layer id>Setting the default selected layer in the layer list
SEARCH_FIELDS{“layer_id”: [“layer attribute”], …}ONLY WORKS FOR DB LAYERS!

Instruct the search engine to search inside specified layers and attributes.
More info in this guide.
RESULT_FIELDS{“layer_id”: [“layer attribute”], …}ONLY WORKS FOR DB LAYERS!

What attributes will be shown inside the search results.
More info in this guide.
MEASURE_UNIT_PROJECTIONE.g. 3765 Defines default projection for Measurement tool
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR0xhexcolorcode, e.g. for red >> 0xff0000Defines color of selected features


To install custom layer options follow the instructions below:

  1. Log in to Map Editor.
  2. Open the map you want to customize.
  3. Double-click the layer you want to add the option to.
  4. Open the Advanced tab.
  5. Choose the option from the table below, write the option name, value and click Add.
  6. Save changes.
Option name ValueDescription
HIGHLIGHT_COLOR0xhexcolorcode, e.g. for red >> 0xff0000Defines color of selected features
SUPPORT_INCOMPLETE_TILE_COVERAGE1Dynamically determines the maximum zoom level for each tile request – for TMS with a different number of zoom levels on certain tiles

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