Datagrid filtering examples
Datagrid filtering allows you to set simple and complex filters in order to more efficiently search through the data in your layer (and on your map) and can help you gain more insight into your data.
Table of Contents
Below are a few examples of different filtering options available in the datagrid. For a more detailed step-by-step guide, take a look here!
Example 1. Show features that match one text value.
In this example, we want to filter only features where the value for the field “country” equals “France”.

Example 2. Show features that match one numeric value.
In this example, we want to filter only features where the value for the field “population” is less than 250 million.

Example 3. Exclude features.
In this example, we want to filter only features where the value for the field “continent” does not equal “Europe”.

Example 4. Filter based on time.
In this example, we want to filter only features inspected in the first week of May, ie. the “inspection date” is between May 1 and May 14.
Note that the field must be appropriately formatted for the time filter to work, or a form with a date and time field must be attached.

Example 5. Combining different filters.
In this example, we want to filter features that were inspected last month AND where the value for the field “risk assessment” equals “high” AND where the “suggested actions” field contains “Pruning”.